Microsite impact report covering the 2020 election cycle for the largest voter registration and GOTV organization in the US
I had the pleasure of collaborating with Vote.org and Data Culture to develop a microsite showcasing the achievements of the largest voter registration and get-out-the-vote (GOTV) organization in the US in a record-breaking election cycle. In the year with the highest voter turnout in the 21st century, Vote.org played a crucial role in registering hard to reach voters and promoting civic engagement in a deeply divided nation. To tell this story, we collaborated closely with the Vote.org team to develop a data narrative and leverage interactive visualizations that showcase the depth and breadth of the organization's efforts in 2020. Alongside graphic designer Mosiah Rashad, I developed a visual language aligned with Vote.org's evolving brand identity to engage voters and donors across all demographics. As the sole developer on this project, I lead the implementation of the microsite using Vue.js development framework and Greensock Animation Platform. In addition to the 2020 microsite, I generated brand-oriented deck materials and design assets to support Vote.org's fundraising efforts for the subsequent election cycle. It was an honor to bring to life the impact of this incredible organization's work while inspiring people to get involved in shaping our democracy.